Know Your Rights When Traveling In A Taxi?

Have you ever been a victim of bad service on your taxi for the airport?

This can often arise from a misunderstanding or when if the taxi driver or you are having a bad day. We all get frustrated sometimes.

On such occasions, tempers can boil and make you do unnecessary things. How many times have you seen videos of customers behaving rudely with their taxi drivers? On the other hand, there are instances where the taxi driver's behavior was unjustified.

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you have to think about whether it is the fault of the taxi driver or yours? Since making such a claim, you are exercising your consumer rights and may even affect the company and the driver. So for a trouble-free riding experience, here are some times on your rights when traveling in a taxi.

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Help with luggage

The driver must assist the user in loading or unloading luggage from the trunk and can only refuse when it may cause damage to his vehicle. You should know that this service does not include any extra charges.

Lowering the meter

It is mandatory to do it when the client requests the service, never before the passenger enters, except if the service is requested by phone. In such a case, the meter will start running as the taxi starts driving.

Counter stop

Consumers can require the taxi driver to stop the meter when an accident occurs, or the taxi has a breakdown that is not attributable to the user.

Pay with card

Drivers are required to have a card reader or a dataphone.

Choose the taxi of their choice.

The user can choose the taxi they want at a stop as long as they justify their choice with one of these reasons: comfort or size, that the taxi does not have air conditioning, that it is not clean, or is in poor technical condition.

Choose route and travel mode.

The user can demand the itinerary they prefer for their destination. If the customer does not prefer, it will be the driver who chooses the most direct route.

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Transport of children and help due to lack of mobility

Users with reduced mobility have the right to be helped by the driver to get on and off the taxi and load the devices they need to move around in the vehicle.

If a child is transported, the taxi is also obliged to comply with child safety regulations and use a restraint system approved for their size and weight. The minor's parents must provide it since the driver doesn't need to carry a seat.


These are just reasons you have a right to a complaint or oppose if these services are not being provided to you. Remember there are always at least two people in a taxi, the driver and the passenger, and it is with mutual coordination that comfortable travel happens.


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